Dr Romesh Singam (Emergency Medicine Specialist)

- Name
- Dr Romesh Mark Singam
- Qualifications
- MBBS WA 1997
- FACEM 2010
- Occupation
- Emergency Medicine Specialist
- Gender
- Male
- Medical Specialties
- Emergency Medicine
Dr Singam has spent four years at Westmead Hospital after starting Emergency Medicine training in Perth and continuing training in the UK.He is currently a Staff Specialist at both Westmead and Auburn Hospitals.
- Hospital Affiliations
- Westmead Hospital
- Auburn Hospital
- Affiliated Organisations
- Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM)
Practice Locations
- Westmead Hospital
- Address
- Emergency Department Cnr Hawkesbury and Darcy Roads
Westmead NSW 2145
- Phone
- 02 9845 7607