Allgood Psychology

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Clinic Name
Allgood Psychology
Clinic Type
02 4758 6687
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Allgood Psychology offers psychological services catering for a wide range of mental health issues and concerns for Adults, children, families and adolescents. Treatment is evidence-based and will be specifically tailored to the needs of the family and/or individual. Specific areas for which treatment is offered include:

Child/Adolescent and Family

Relationship Problems – Very often breakdowns in relationships occur between children and adults, even in well functioning families. Resolving these issues quickly can strengthen relationships and ensure well being between family members over the long-term.

Anxiety – Children can experience anxiety for many different reasons. Reasons for anxiety may arise from: fear of the dark, bedwetting, being bullied at school, failure at school/sports, going to bed, separation from parents, thinking about death, and ghosts or monsters. Anxiety can be treated easily and effectively and early intervention is recommended.

Oppositional and/or Aggressive Behaviour – While it is normal for children to engage in rough and tumble play and to test the boundaries of authority, problems arise when these behaviours get out of control. Interventions to disrupt these behaviours are often very easy to learn and can be implemented within a very short time-frame.

Mood Problems – As a child develops they learn to understand and to regulate their mood. Particular mood states that children may have difficulty with include depression (sadness), anxiety, anger, and grief. These stated may occur after a marital/relationship breakdown or the death of a loved one. Again, early intervention and knowing how to cope may be vital for the long-term.

Toddlers – Toddlers are excitable, curious, fun, intelligent, and have seemingly limitless energy. It can be extremely challenging finding a balance of expectation that is right for their personality. If you find that your toddler does not listen to your instructions (e.g. bedtime), bites, kicks, scratches, and has tantrums when he/she does not get their own way…don’t worry! A few easy techniques will usually fix these problems.


Depression – Depression is one of the most common and debilitating psychological problems throughout Australia. If you have a low mood, lack motivation, and have lost interest in the things that you used to be interested in, then you may be depressed. Feeling happy about yourself and about life is something that can happen with the right help.

Anxiet/stress – Anxiety is also a very common problem throughout Australia. Anxiety can come about in relation to things such as public speaking, being around people or in crowds, bodily sensations (e.g. rapid heartbeat and sweating), work/sport issues, relationships with family or partner, fear of death, fear of the future (e.g. global warming). Treatment is usually brief and extremely effective.

Addictions – Problems with substance abuse and addiction to the internet can severely affect people’s quality of life. Often these things cannot be treated by willpower alone; psychological assistance may be needed. A confidential assessment session will help determine what the best course will be to assist with these problems.

Grief and Loss – Losing a loved one or something of value can be devastating and can completely change the course of someone’s life. Often it is impossible to “get over it”, and not processing emotions properly can actually hinder the grieving process. Understanding how to deal properly with loss can relieve some of the burden associated with the loss.

Anger Problems – Anger is a normal part of life and can actually be a helpful emotion in many circumstances. However, when anger is very frequent, intense and/or out of proportion to the trigger it can lead to relationship problems, damage to property, and trouble with the law. Learning anger management techniques helps to control anger appropriately to avoid these problems.

Personality problems – People are very unique in terms of their personalities. Successful people often have personalities that will attract others to them. However, personality clashes within one’s family or work life can be a source of stress. Having a better understanding of your personality can be advantageous in many areas of life.

Trauma – It is very common for people to experience some form of trauma at some point in their life. If the traumatic incident/s involved feelings of helplessness/fear associated with oneself or someone else being in extreme physical danger, then just trying to cope by forgetting about the incident will often not work. Rather, seeking psycholgical assistance to work through the traumatic incident will be the best course of action.

Marriage/Relationship Counselling – Unresolved conflict within a relationship can be a major source of stress and unhappiness. Whether the relationship is just beginning, reached a plateau, or “on the rocks”, counselling can help at any point in time. David’s non-judgemental approach helps to reassure those who are unsure as to whether counselling is going to be beneficial to them and their relationship.

Sexual problems – A healthy sex life is an extremely important part of any happy relationship. Sex between couples often becomes neglected when life gets busy with things such as work and family. Seeking help to reinstate a fun and exciting sex life will strengthen the attachment bond in the relationship.

Medical Specialties


Blue Mountains

35 Railway Parade
Hazelbrook NSW 2779 
02 4758 6687
02 4758 6666