Perth Children's Hospital

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The new hospital will be the sole dedicated children’s hospital for WA, providing the highest level of care to children from all over the state. PCH will have 298 beds, 48 more than PMH and the design of the building allows for future expansion.
All specialist services currently provided by PMH will be available at the new PCH, with many clinical areas expanded including an increase in neonatal and oncology capacity, an expanded Surgical Day Stay Unit and the introduction of a High Dependency Unit alongside the Intensive Care Unit.
PCH will also have all the necessary specialised equipment for treatment and diagnosis, plus the teaching and research facilities staff need to meet their learning requirements.
PCH will be the centrepiece of the WA child health care system, providing the specialty medical treatment required for the most serious medical cases. It will be supported by six other public hospitals - Fiona Stanley Hospital, Midland Public Hospital, Joondalup Health Campus, Peel Health Campus, Armadale-Kelmscott Memorial Hospital and Rockingham General Hospital - all with dedicated paediatric beds.
PCH will also support regional hospitals through telehealth and outreach services.