Ms Emma Kopcikas (Osteopath)

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By pure luck and chance I was introduced to Osteopathy, but once I found it I never looked back.

I am from a strong sporting background, playing soccer, tennis, athletics, indoor cricket, and netball. But my main passion is basketball. I have been playing since the age of 4 and while the other sports came and went basketball always stuck. I have represented NSW country on a number of occasions and currently play at a semi-professional level.

Through my sporting endeavours I have experienced my fair share of injuries such as rolled ankles, sprained knee ligaments, low back problems, shoulder injuries, torn muscles around my elbow, bruised ribs, patellar tendonitis and the list goes on. However, being from a small country town in northern NSW I never had access to an Osteopath, in fact I had never heard of it! So I spent my youth bouncing between physio's and chiro’s for my various problems to no avail.

Throughout high school I knew I wanted to enter the health arena. I just always assumed it would be as a physio, something I was familiar with. However, during my investigations I was introduced to the degree at Southern Cross University… Osteopathy. I had no concept of what it was so I researched it. It sounded unique and hands on which is what I was looking for. I took a risk and went for it, within the first week of the degree I was hooked. I had never heard of anything like it, yet nothing had ever made so much sense! After starting the degree I had my first Osteo treatment… and had great success! After two years of chronic knee pain in both legs I finally had relief!!

Professional development:

I completed my five years of study at Southern Cross University. I am continuing my study in the field of Biodynamics by completing yearly courses, various workshops and anything else I can get my hands on!

Special Interests

As I have spent my life surrounded by fitness, I do have a special interest in sporting injuries. From rising stars to weekend warriors, the ability to recover and keep going with your sporting and fitness goals is important to me.

I definitely have an interest in treating babies and children. I never get tired of watching how quickly they respond to treatment. I want to do whatever I can to give a child the best possible start to life whether they are new born, on the move or starting big school.

Working as an Osteopath wouldn’t be the same without a variety of patients. I love being able to see a baby in one timeslot to a retiree the next. I like to treat people of all ages, shapes, sizes and conditions. If you have an acute injury, chronic fatigue, low back pain, headaches, or a niggle you just can’t shake I would be delighted to meet you!

Availability: Monday, Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday, and Saturday morning.

Affiliated Clinics
Brisbane Osteopathic Centre

Practice Locations


Brisbane Osteopathic Centre
3 Cramond St
Wilston QLD 4051 
07 3311 5655