Mr Rebecca Baxter (Osteopath)

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Mr Rebecca Baxter
B App Sc (Clinical Sc)

It was during Careers Night in my final year of high school when I first spoke to an osteopath. His explanation of the philosophy of osteopathy resonated with me.

The idea that osteopaths work with their hands, not machines, and offer alternate approaches from just manipulating the spine was particularly appealing to me.

Professional development After graduation from RMIT in 2004, I continued my professional development in the Biodynamics of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, taught by osteopaths (in both America and Australia including Dr James Jealous) –who have been practicing 40 years or more. It is exciting to know that after all those years of practice, I will still be learning every day. I have also furthered my education in nutrition, embryology and clinical neurology.

I also spent two years on the Board of Directors for the Australian Osteopathic Association as the QLD President.

My current focus of education is into breastfeeding including initiating primitive reflexes, improving latching on and assisting in tonge tie and poor mandible movement.

Since becoming a mother and having my own breastfeeding challenges I have become a breastfeeding advocate and really love helping mothers with their breastfeeding challenges. So much so that I've started my own website, and released a short self help book entitled "What is Mastitis? A Self Help Guide".

Having my own mastitis and blocked ducts during my breastfeeding journey enabled me to refine my massage techniques to a painless process with immediate results!

Apart from mastitis I also really love helping babies learn how to breatfeed more efficiently, and with less damage to a mother's nipples. I work specfically with their rooting reflexes and movement in their head, neck, throat and mouth, poor suckling and attachment, colic, and unsettled days to improve the breastfeeding journey. When I treat these complaints in babies in the clinic, it is always exciting to see how much difference it makes - not only to the baby, but also to the whole family's health and happiness.

To augment the osteopathic treatment I also work closely with lactation consultants and, where possible, observe a breastfeed during the course of a treatment to help get positioning back on track as I frequently find new, sleep deprived mothers will forget a small part of the advice given to them by their lactation consultant and just need a little reminder!

Affiliated Clinics
Brisbane Osteopathic Centre

Practice Locations


Brisbane Osteopathic Centre
3 Cramond St
Wilston QLD 4051 
07 3311 5655