Dr Jim Kantidakis (Psychologist)

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Jim Kantidakis is an Expert Gut-directed Psychologist & Clinical Hypnotherapist, and one of the first experts in Australia to use Psychological /Hypnotherapy treatment of individuals diagnosed with gastrointestinal problems. Jim has extensive expertise in the area, with over 10 years of experience. He is also the only known Psychologist to provide Psychological and Hypnotherapy treatment to children in paediatric gastroenterology in Australia.

Jim was also the first Australian to travel and undergo training from a leading Gastroenterologist, Prof Whorewell and the founding gut-directed hypnotherapy team in Manchester, UK. He has since been invited to present at several gastrointestinal conferences and events. These include 2 Australian Gastrointestinal conferences, as well as the Australian Neuro-Gastrointestinal and Motility conference, a Continence symposium, and a IBD Nurses education. Jim also provided educational training to Gastrointestinal registrars, also running a workshop on the psychological effects of Ulcerative Colitis to Fresenius Kabi drug representatives in Sydney.

Jim’s passion and keen interest in the area of gastroenterology has inspired him to develop and train his own team of expert Psychologists/Hypnotherapist’s, under ‘The Gut Centre’. The Gut Centre offers psychological / hypnotherapy treatment to help patients significantly reduce the symptoms and psychological distress of IBS and functional digestive disorders, including pelvic pain. Jim has recently submitted his Doctoral Thesis looking at the Psychological factors contributing to psychological distress and quality of life in individuals diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. His interest in this area has resulted in him undergoing training at St. Vincent’s Hospital Public IBD Counselling clinic. Jim was so impressed with the benefits of the counselling program that he opened Australia’s first and only Private IBD Counselling Clinic.

Jim and his team at the Gut Centre continue to provide evidence based psychological interventions, including hypnotherapy treatment, with the highest level of patient care.

Affiliated Clinics
The Gut Centre

Practice Locations


The Gut Centre
Suite 605 1 Princess Street
Kew VIC 3101 
0 398530033