Dr Emily Nadwie (Dentist)

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Dr Emily Nadwie
Bachelor of Dental Science Charles Sturt University, Australia 2018

Dr Emily Nadwie joined the Kite Street Dental team in early 2019. Emily is a talented dentist that is passionate about all aspects of general dentistry. She loves treating people of all walks of life and has completed both her cultural competency certificate and LGBTQIA+ inclusion and sensitivity training. Emily graduated from Charles Sturt University with Bachelor’s in Clinical Science in 2013 and Dental Science in 2018 and is excited to continue developing in the industry. Emily is looking forward to expanding her scope to include implantology and oral surgery. Dr Nadwie is also actively involved in nurturing the next generation of dentists, volunteering her time to help university students and will become an active participant in the ADA recent graduates committee. Dr Nadwie loves rural NSW, previously working in Bathurst, Orange, Brewarrina and Dubbo, as well as stints in Sydney and Darwin over her eleven years in the industry. After working with dental specialists along the way she has a keen interest in periodontics and oral surgery. Away from the Kite Street Dental, Emily is a self-confessed Harry Potter fanatic. She also enjoys volunteering her time to Australian environmental societies and social justice committees. You can also find her lending a hand to the local basketball and netball associations in her spare time.

Affiliated Clinics
Kite Street Dental

Practice Locations


Kite Street Dental
51 Kite St
Orange NSW 2800 
02 6362 8770