Ms Natalie Butterworth (Podiatrist)

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Ms Natalie Butterworth
Bachelor Diploma of Applied Science (Podiatry)

Natalie graduated with a Bachelor of Podiatry from La Trobe University, Victoria in 1998.  She worked extensively in the Public Health System in varied roles which included health promotion, Diabetes Screening Clinics and High Risk Foot Clinics.  Natalie was a committee member of a Hospital Admissions Risk Program at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne that established a Diabetes Screening Clinic in her local government area.  This involved Natalie working alongside a Dietician, Diabetes Educator and GP to test, screen, provide treatment and educate clients with diabetes to prevent the complications associated with diabetes. After the first of her three children was born, Natalie moved into the private sector where her interests expanded to include biomechanics, paediatics and general care.  Natalie's main goal is to relieve any sort of pain in the feet and lower legs and promote mobility so her clients can enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle. Natalie moved north from Melbourne in early 2012 with her husband and three children.  She loves everything about her new life, but especially loves being outdoors with her kids on bikes, scooters and at the beach.

Affiliated Clinics
Tweed Health for Everyone Superclinic

Practice Locations

Tweed Heads

Tweed Health for Everyone Superclinic
33-35 Corporation Circuit
Tweed Heads South NSW 2486 
07 5589 7555
07 5523 0644