Ms Emma McLaughlin (Naturopath)

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Ms Emma McLaughlin

Emma is an integrative naturopath and modern herbalist who is passionate about helping her patients navigate a route through their health with a plan. With a special interest in post-natal depletion, hormonal health, adrenal health, thyroid health, weight maintenance, autoimmune disorders and gastrointestinal health, Emma uses nutrition, herbal medicine, nutritional supplements and lifestyle recommendations to approach your health goals in a holistic and practical manner. She enjoys educating her patients about their bodies and how to implement long term lifestyle change. As well as closely supporting her own patients at The Health Lodge, Emma also acts as clinical assistant to Dr Oscar Serrallach, supporting his post-nataly depleted mums, and works within the integrative team to create treatment plans with her patients that will most benefit them. Outside of work Emma enjoys spending time with her two small children, getting her hands in the dirt growing medicinal herbs and fresh veggies and sharing a good glass of organic red wine and a laugh with friends.

Affiliated Clinics
The Health Lodge

Practice Locations


The Health Lodge
78 Bangalow Road
Byron Bay NSW 2481 
02 6685 6445
02 8024 2628