Joanna Buttfield (Occupational Therapist)

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As a mother of 2 with more than 30 years clinical experience as a Paediatric Occupational Therapist, Joanna worked in the United States for 4 years before returning to Australia to establish Kid Sense Child Development in 1998. Joanna founded Kid Sense with a simple vision: to help children to ‘be the best they can be’. Experience in medical, educational (child care, preschool and school) and private practice settings have served Joanna well in managing a clinical team while maintaining a full-time clinical caseload. Her particular interest is in exploring the blurred boundaries between where ‘therapy’ meets ‘education’ for children of all ages. It is Joanna’s greatest passion to see that children in (developmental) need receive the intervention they require to unlock their most positive future. Joanna served on the Occupational Therapy Registration Board for almost 2 years and on the SPELD (Specific Learning Difficulties Association of SA) Council for 18 months. She was named as a Finalist in the 2007 and 2008 Telstra South Australian Women’s Business Awards. She now dedicates her spare time to expanding our services and supporting the Graduate Program and Career Change Programs.

Affiliated Clinics
Kid Sense Child Development - Unley

Practice Locations


Kid Sense Child Development - Unley
90 Unley Road
Unley SA 5061 
1800 543 736
08 8272 4823