Dr Tonya Constantine (GP)

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Dr Tonya Marie Constantine
MBBS 1992
General Practitioner (GP)
Medical Specialties
General Practice

Tonya is a local girl, growing up and attending school here in Geraldton. After graduating from Stella Maris College she studied medicine at UWA, and then worked at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital before deciding that general practice was the career path for her. She did a short stint at Princess Margaret Hospital in paediatrics, before joining the general practice training programme. She worked for 6 months in general practice in Perth before returning back to Geraldton to complete her training. She has worked in general practice in Geraldton since then, with a few short breaks when her 2 youngest children were born. Tonya is interested in all aspects of general practice, but does not do obstetrics. She has interests in paediatrics, women’s health, aged care, palliative care, and teaching. She has spent many years travelling to Three Springs and Morawa (before they gained the services of a female GP) to provide women’s health services to these communities. Geraldton is home for Tonya and her husband and children. She is excited that her 2 eldest children have returned to Geraldton for work after studying in Perth. She enjoys sport and exercise, and the family is active in many sporting clubs. She thinks that Geraldton is a wonderful place to live, and raise a family. She has no plans on moving anywhere else, but looks forward to doing some more travelling as the opportunity becomes available ( ie children grow up!).

Affiliated Clinics
Panaceum Medical

Practice Locations


Panaceum Medical
Panaceum Building
233 Lester Avenue
Geraldton WA 6530 
08 9920 8111
08 9920 8181