Dr Susan Leong (GP)

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Dr Leong joined the Northside Physical Medicine team in 2013, bringing with her a wealth of experience in treating patients suffering from chronic injuries and pain. Graduating from the University of Sydney in 1980, Dr Leong worked at Westmead Hospital and then in General Practice for over 30 years.

In 2002, Dr Leong completed a Master of Health Science in nutrition and exercise physiology and then expanded on this expertise by studying acupuncture through Monash University and the Australian Medical Acupuncture College (AMAC) in 2005. Dr Leong has since utilised both acupuncture and low level laser therapy (LLLT) in her general practice especially for musculoskeletal problems.

Given her ongoing interest in physical (musculoskeletal) medicine Dr Leong commenced a Master of Advanced Medicine in 2010 and is currently furthering her studies with the American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine, developing expertise in prolotherapy.

Dr Leong's primary therapeutic interests lie in manual treatments including trigger point and fascial releases, LLLT to reduce pain and inflammation, and prolotherapy - including neuro-prolotherapy (i.e. using 5% dextrose injections to treat atypical pain disorders such as superficial nerve entrapment).

As the majority of people over 40 years of age deal with in some capacity the impacts of physical injury and chronic pain, Dr Leong enjoys the challenge of pain management, carefully assessing each patient's individual concerns and endeavours to work in partnership with the them in forming and implementing their preferred treatment plan. Her primary commitments are always to effectively manage her patient's pain, improve their level of education, and make a dramatic improvement to the patient's overall quality of life.

Affiliated Clinics
Northside Physical Medicine

Practice Locations


Northside Physical Medicine
linea suite level one
105 2 atchison street
St leonards NSW 2065 