Dr Roderic (Rick) Nalder (GP)

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Dr Roderic (Rick) Mawson Nalder
Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery University of New South Wales Australia 1979
General Practitioner (GP)

A Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practice, he graduated from the University of NSW and began his career at St Vincent’s Hospital here in Sydney, later in solo practice for 18 years before moving into a larger group practice.

He has more than 30 years experience in all aspects of family practice and has had post-graduate attachments or course training in paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, family planning and infertility management, shared ante-natal care, orthopedics and sports medicine, general medicine, diabetes and cardiovascular disease management, anxiety and other mental health issues, travel medicine, dermatology and emergency department work.

Rick regularly attends and is frequently asked to chair medical meetings across Sydney to keep up to date with the latest advances in medicine across a wide range of topics. Please feel free to ask him about the latest conferences he has attended when you see him. He enjoys sharing “breaking news” on health matters to assist you in keeping you and your family or partner healthy.

Preventative health strategies are a passion! You need to know what might bite you through lifes’s journey and take a pro-active approach to disease prevention and surveillance.

The key to good health and longevity is a healthy lifestyle and work-life balance and every weekday before his late starts and finish, he cycles 35-40km around Sydney (good at it) or swims laps (hopeless at it) or walks his dogs. Each activity includes a cafe stop for a coffee and chat. He and his wife enjoy a Mediterranean dietary approach to eating with a low GI twist. It is anti-diabetic , anti-cancer and anti-heart disease all in one package. Ask him about it any time.

Affiliated Clinics
Neutral Bay Medical Centre
Affiliated Organisations
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)

Practice Locations


Neutral Bay Medical Centre
116 Military Road
Neutral Bay NSW 2089 
02 9953 5844
02 9953 0695