Dr Patrick Moran (Anaesthetist)

- Name
- Dr Patrick John Moran
- Qualifications
- FANZCA 1992
- FFARACS 1986
- MBBS 1980
- Occupation
- Anaesthetist
- Gender
- Male
- Medical Specialties
- Anaesthesia
Patrick joined Stace Anaesthetists in 1987. He is currently in private anaesthetic practice in Adelaide and is a Consultant Anaesthetist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.
Professional Interests
Patrick has a broad range of experience in anaesthesia with specific interests in anaesthesia for Eye Surgery, ENT Surgery, Paediatrics, and anaesthesia in the developing world.
Specialist Anaesthetist with Stace Anaesthetists Consultant, Royal Adelaide Hospital 2012 Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthestists since 1992 Adelaide Day Surgery Medical Advisory Committee 1998, Chairperson since 2011 Past Appointments
Internship Queen Elizabeth Hospital 1980 Resident Medical Officer Queen Elizabeth Hospital 1981 Senior House Office in Anaesthesia Norfolk and Norwich Hospital U.K. 1982-3 Registrar in Anaesthesia in Adelaide 1984-85 Senior Registrar in Anaesthesia Adelaide 1986 Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists in the Royal College of Surgeons 1986 Visiting Medical Specialists to the Royal Adelaide Hospital 1987-1991 Wakefield Hospital Anaesthetic Committee 1987-1995 Senior Visiting Specialist to the Royal Adelaide Hospital 1991-2011 Examiner for the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists 1996-2010
- Affiliated Clinics
- Stace Anaesthetists
Practice Locations
- Stace Anaesthetists
- Address
- 273 Wakefield Street
Adelaide SA 5000
- Phone
- 08 8236 5000
- Fax
- 08 8223 5429