Dr Michelle Redford (GP)

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Dr Michelle Rosalind Redford
Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery 1998
General Practitioner (GP)
Medical Specialties
General Practice

Dr Michelle is from the south of England, near Windsor, but studied at the University of Newcastle (upon Tyne, UK) graduating in 1998. She has lived and worked in and around Newcastle (UK) for the past 16 years. She is interested in all areas of medicine, initially training in hospital medicine and Gastroenterology. She saw the light and moved onto General Practice in 2004 and has been working as a GP in Wallsend and North Shields since 2008 before coming to Australia this year. She loves general practice because she enjoys the variety of people and problems encountered in her daily work. She has found it a privilege to work with people and their families over the years and to be able to provide them with continuity of care. Outside of work she enjoys running and having outdoor adventures with her young family.

Affiliated Clinics
Blackbutt Doctors Surgery

Practice Locations


Blackbutt Doctors Surgery
58 Orchardtown Road
New Lambton NSW 2305 
02 4950 9733
02 4952 9708