Dr Mark Fulton (GP)

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Dr Mark Fulton
General Practitioner (GP)
Medical Specialties
General Practice
07 54931043

Hi, this my baby, Leah, and me. She is better looking than her dad!

I founded Pulse Holistic Medical Centre.

I am a GP with over 20 years experience. About ten years ago I became interested in non pharmaceutical treatments to optimise health. It has been an eye opening, fascinating and rewarding journey for me ever since. I want to share what I have learned with you. If you are looking for an experienced doctor, yet one who has a solid working knowledge of the best the naturopathic world has to offer, I may be your man.

I am absolutely convinced that much illness is a consequence of nutritional deficiency. Australians, as a whole, are undernourished, even if it appears we eat well. Might you be zinc, iodine, magnesium, vitamin D, B6, B9, B12, K or omega 3 deficient? Not sure? I can sort that for you.

​Some individuals also need higher doses of certain nutrients than others to optimise their health. If that doesn't make sense to you, you need to do some reading.

Many of us are getting sick from what we eat. In my opinion if you eat cereal, for example, you are making yourself unwell. Many of us are being poisoned by our drinking water.

If you are interested in avoiding cancer, cardiovascular disease, or maybe even effectively treating your depression or anxiety, I can help you, and I won't necessarily use drugs in doing so. Every day I have the pleasure of following up grateful patients whose lives have been transformed by non pharmaceutical interventions.

I will also give you the time you deserve.

I will always treat you as the sum of a complex number of "systems." For example, what happens in your gut is intricately connected to your heart, your bones, your thyroid and your brain. Too many doctors, and in particular some specialists, lose touch with this fundamentally important truth. I don't. I am an holistic doctor ... an "integrative" physician.

As such I will also do my very best to prevent you getting sick, rather than just be the one who treats your illness once it becomes obvious. Many of us are jaded, cynical and not open to new "medical" and "naturopathic" ideas, and are thereby living sub optimal lives. I think that most people who don't value their own health will one day confront a personal diagnosis in the local medial centre, or A and E department, or hospital, when it is too late. Unfortunately, that's how "the system" works for too many Australians at present. It is much wiser to realise your health is not the result of a lottery, but the product of managing your own destiny, which is exactly what I would like to help you do. ​ I am proud and excited to work well with Kim, our naturopath, and Sally, our psychologist, to offer you a truly holistic treatment plan, if that is what you need.

If you would like to get the most out of your body and your mind, to live a life that realises your full potential, I would love to help you be happy and healthy.

Affiliated Clinics
Pulse Holistic Medical Centre

Practice Locations

Sunshine Coast

Shop 14 614 Nicklin Way
Wurtulla QLD 4575 
Pulse Holistic Medical Centre
1A 68 Jessica Blvd 
Minyama QLD 4575 
07 5477 5522
07 5477 5599