Dr Kenneth Lajoie (GP)

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Dr Ken Lajoie was born and raised in New England, USA. He graduated from the University of New Hampshire with Bachelor degrees in Fine Art and Biomedical Science. He was a biomedical illustrator before joining the Peace Corps for two years in French West Africa working in Public Health and Health Education in Mauritania

After returning he taught science in Boston and New York City while completing a Masters degree in Health Education at Columbia University. He then taught at Robert College in Istanbul, Turkey where he met his wife Kate, a Barossa Valley native.

Eventually getting around to medical school in the midwest of the US, and studied Public Health at Boston University and Harvard, earning a Masters in Public Health Palliative Care. After graduating from Dartmouth-Maine Family Medicine Residency, he worked in migrant health in southern California and then New Mexico, where he was the Medical Director of Star Hospice.

He is an Osteopathic physician and believes in an holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment. A strong advocate for health education Dr Lajoie hopes to encourage wellness and education programs at Reynella Famlily Care. He is the Reynella Family Care Principal.

Affiliated Clinics
Reynella Family Care
Affiliated Organisations
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)

Practice Locations


Reynella Family Care
216 Old South Road
Old Reynella SA 5161 
08 8321 9099
08 8321 9092