Dr Kate Barclay (Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Specialist)

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Dr Kate Margaret Barclay
FRACP 2008
MBBS University of New South Wales 2000
Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Specialist
Medical Specialties
Respiratory and Sleep Medicine

Dr Barclay completed her university training through UNSW and St Vincent’s Hospital. She then attained fellowship in the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, specialising in Respiratory and Sleep medicine, with her training at Royal North Shore Hospital and Concord Hospital (2009). She has also completed a Masters of Public Health and Tropical Medicine through James Cook University.

She has particular interests in tuberculosis , having spent time as a volunteer medical officer at Rumginae Hospital, Western Province, Papua New Guinea, and was appointed to the Manly Hospital Tuberculosis Service in 2013. Her other interests include sleep medicine – including work as a visiting medical officer at Peninsula Sleep Clinic, and interstitial lung disease.

Hospital Affiliations
Manly Hospital
Affiliated Clinics
Peninsula Respiratory Group
Medical Conditions
Interstitial lung disease

Practice Locations


Peninsula Respiratory Group
Forest Central Business Park
Building 1-Suite 2 Level 2
49 Frenchs Forest Road East
Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 
02 9975 4911
02 9975 4622