Dr Julie Beak (Paediatrician)

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Dr Julie Ann Beak
Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery University of Queensland Australia 1993

Julie was born in Brisbane. She enjoys providing holistic care for babies, children, and their families. She finds it a privilege to support families in understanding and managing the many normal conditions and diverse range of medical conditions that babies and children can experience.

Julie has an interest in neonatology (the care of newborn babies including those born prematurely), infant development and the management of children with complex needs.

Julie undertook a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery at the University of Queensland and graduated in 1993. She received her Fellowship in General Paediatrics with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2005. As part of this, she has gained experience in multiple paediatric sub-specialties at the former Mater Children’s Hospital, and was employed in senior registrar positions in neonatology at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Brisbane and as the infectious diseases Fellow at the former Royal Children’s Hospital. She completed a Fellowship in child protection at the former Mater Children’s Hospital.

Over the past five years Julie has enjoyed working in private practice at Cleveland providing neonatal cover to Mater Private Hospital Redlands and also General Paediatric care to babies and children. She worked as a Consultant Paediatrician at the former Mater Children’s Hospital for 10 years and since its closure has transitioned to the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital.

Julie is a Mother of four and can relate to the many challenges of parenthood. When not working she enjoys spending time with her family, camping, and cycling.

Affiliated Clinics

Practice Locations


Mater Private Specialist Suites
Suite 3 Level 3 Salmon Building
537 Stanley Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101 
07 3358 8890
07 3144 5689