Dr Jaykumar Patel (GP)

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Jaykumar was born and brought up in south east London, England. He studied at Colfe's school in Lee Green, London and went on to study medicine at St Bartholomews and the Royal London Medical School. After completing his MBBS he spent two years working in Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, Essex and Whipps Cross Hospital in Leytonstone, London. He then went on to complete his GP training for a further 3 years in Maidstone, Kent. This included rotations in ENT, Oncology and working in Palliative care at the Heart of Kent Hospice.

He also went on to complete a diploma in practical dermatology at Cardiff University. His interests include skin conditions, minor surgery, ENT and chronic diseases.

He has been working as a regular GP in London and has worked in other sectors including private work with BUPA, which involves health screening, as a port medical officer with the health protection agency and doing online consultations. He also has spent time working at medical stations at the London Marathon for the last 3 years. Finally, he has worked regularly in the local urgent care centre as part of the accident and emergency department.

Affiliated Clinics
Elizabeth Street Medical Centre QLD
Affiliated Organisations
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)

Practice Locations


Elizabeth Street Medical Centre QLD
5 Mitchell Street (Cnr Elizabeth St)
Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 
07 3277 7500
07 3277 0403