Dr Javan Waller (GP)

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Dr Waller is an Australian trained doctor.

Dr Waller has worked at various places including Armadale Hospital for many years gaining extensive experience before moving to Forrest Road GP, Armadale. He loves his work in the community providing comprehensive health care to people of all age groups. His professional interests include but are not limited to Men’s Health, Mental Health and Chronic Disease Management.

Dr Waller has lived in the City of Armadale for 20 years and has been involved in a variety of community groups.

For many years he has been involved in the Sport of Olympic Weightlifting, running his own club and coaching lifters to National and International Success – including Commonwealth Games Representation.

He has a long association with the Armadale Highland Gathering – managing the Heavy Events (Caber Toss etc.) for over 20 years. In recent years he has been instrumental in introducing women’s events at the Gathering. He still competes each year and enjoys regular visits to the Gym to prepare.

Dr Waller has a strong connection with local Fire Brigades – he previously worked on the front line with the Armadale Fire and Rescue Service attending Bush Fires, Property Fires and Motor Vehicle Accidents for over 15 years.

In his spare he like to visit the beach with his family and dogs and enjoys getting away for day trips or weekends in WA – especially to Country Towns holding annual shows or markets.

Affiliated Clinics
Forrest Road GP
Champion Medical Centre

Practice Locations


Forrest Road GP
Unit 1 50 Forrest Road
Armadale WA 6112 
08 9497 1900
08 9497 1899
08 9497 2090
Champion Medical Centre
3 Price Parkway
Bertram WA 6167 
08 9419 1777