Dr Jaclyn Montefiore (GP)

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Dr Jaclyn Maree Montefiore
Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery
General Practitioner (GP)

Hello, I’m Jackie Montefiore, a fully qualified Medical Doctor with a fellowship in General Practice. Prior to my career in medicine, I was an Accredited Practising Dietitian. In total, I’ve accumulated almost 20 years of experience and education in the fields of medicine and dietetics. However, it’s only been in recent years I’ve discovered the power of using simple but effective lifestyle measures and witnessed the profound effect these can have on improving my patients’ and my own health. I’m passionate about bringing to you the most reliable, unbiased advice to genuinely improve your health status. No expensive supplements, gimmicks or gadgets.

I look forward to partnering with you!

Affiliated Clinics
Sante Medical

Practice Locations


Sante Medical
161 Given Terrace
Paddington QLD 4064 
07 3554 0312