Dr Jack Tan (GP)

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Believe it or not, Dr Jack moved from sunny Queensland to be here with us. He graduated from University of Queensland and lived in the Whitsundays for three years prior to joining our practice. He is a rural generalist with emergency skills which means when he is “on holidays”, he is often in rural & remote Australia looking after country hospitals. Jack has an interest in eye health and uses an eye microscope in the surgery which allows a more thorough eye examination. He had previously worked in Flinders Eye clinic, completed his Masters in Medicine in Ophthalmology with University of Sydney and is currently working on a corneal PhD. Academically, he is also involved with teaching practical ophthalmology to Flinders medical students at Murray Bridge. Outside the clinic, Dr Jack enjoys triathlons and recently finished Busselton Ironman with a timing of 10:26. You can often spot him jogging along the esplanade or riding his pushbike up Sellicks Hill. Jack also does martial arts and wears 2nd Dan black belt in Taekwondo.

Affiliated Clinics
Aldinga Medical Centre

Practice Locations


Aldinga Medical Centre
89 Rowley Road
Aldinga Beach SA 5173 
08 8550 2000
08 8550 2010