Dr David Ho (Anaesthetist)

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Dr David Si Hao Ho
Medical Specialties

Dr David Ho graduated from Sydney University and completed his anaesthetic training at the Westmead Hospital in Sydney. He finished his paediatric fellowship at the Children Hospital at Westmead and then went to the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children in Canada for further paediatric anaesthesia training. He then return to the Children Hospital at Westmead as an anaesthetic consultant briefly before moving to the Royal Children Hospital in Brisbane as a staff anaesthetist. He joined Northside Anaesthesia since 2001 to further his adult anaesthetic interests which includes ENT, obstetric, regional and neuro-anaesthesia.

Being a slow but persistent learner, Dr Ho managed to complete a Bachelor of Arts, with double majors in English Literature and Communications, and a Diploma of Finance, majoring in Financial Planning, in the last ten years. Currently, he is trying to learn piano without much success and spend much time cycling, running and swimming instead.

Affiliated Clinics
Northside Anaesthesia

Practice Locations


Northside Anaesthesia
Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital
627 Rode Road
Chermside QLD 4032 
07 3359 7011
07 3359 7022