Dr Bei Ye (Gastroenterologist)

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Dr Bei Ye graduated with honours from her medical degree at the University of Melbourne in 2008. She went on to complete internship at the Austin Hospital where she was awarded Intern of the Year in 2009. She passed the Royal Australasian College of Physicians written and clinical examination in 2012 on the first attempt, achieving the highest aggregate score at Austin Health.

Dr Ye undertook advanced training in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Monash Health, Austin Hospital and Eastern Health. During her training, she worked in the renowned liver transplant unit at Austin Hospital and completed an inflammatory bowel disease fellowship at Eastern Health.

Dr Ye has presented research as an invited speaker at multiple national and international conferences and published articles in multiple peer reviewed international medical journals.

Dr Ye currently works in the Department of Gastroenterology at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and holds an appointment with the Monash University Medical School. She has an interest in inflammatory bowel disease, liver diseases and functional gastrointestinal bowel diseases including irritable bowel syndrome. Dr Ye is proficient in gastroscopy, colonoscopy and polypectomies.

Affiliated Clinics
GastoMedicine & Endoscopy - Springvale
Affiliated Organisations
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP)

Practice Locations


GastoMedicine & Endoscopy - Springvale
17 Windsor Avenue
Springvale VIC 3171 
(03) 9548 5555
(03) 9548 0055