Daniela Gerlach (Dietitian)

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Ms Daniela Gerlach
Paediatric Dietitian

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"A good professional should always tailor advice so that it is centered towards the client’s own needs and circumstances, and is not just based on  theoretical idealism.” – Daniela Gerlach

As a busy mum of 5, Daniela realises only too well that putting idealistic but well-meaning advice from health professionals into practice at home can be difficult and add to one’s sense of guilt or failure. Her approach is thus to take a wholistic view of each client and  family and help develop realistic, achievable goals that meet their needs. Daniela enjoys working with different families to  help make a real positive difference in their  lives.   Daniela is a compassionate and hard-working dietitian with over 12 years’ experience working with both paediatric and adult clients. She has worked at 4 large teaching hospitals: Liverpool, John Hunter, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and Nepean, as well as The Mater (private) hospital. Daniela is currently the sole dietitian at Allowah Presbyterian Children’s Hospital and Disability Services. She has worked across all major specialty areas but has a passion for all aspects of nutrition support and feeding difficulties in infants and children. She has also completed research and conference presentations on nutritional support in both Neonatal Intensive Care and Adult Intensive Care.

Hospital Affiliations
Allowah Presbyterian Children's Hospital

Practice Locations


Allowah Presbyterian Children's Hospital
8 Perry Street
Dundas NSW 2117 
02 8877 3400