Mr George Dervenis (Physiotherapist)

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George graduated from LaTrobe University with a Bachelor of Health Sciences and Master of Physiotherapy Practice. Throughout his training, he gained a broad range of experience across Melbourne’s major metropolitan hospitals in areas including ICU, multi-trauma, orthopaedics, neurological rehabilitation and cardiothoracics.

He has since worked in private practice where he has worked predominantly with athletes and treated a range of musculoskeletal conditions. George is currently the physiotherapist for an amateur AFL club in the VAFA and has worked for a range of clubs within the VAFA and WRFL. Alongside AFL athletes he enjoys treating runners and analysing and correcting running technique for optimal performance.

George has developed a particular interest for sports and spinal injuries, having undertaken postgraduate studies in both areas. He is also a qualified Clinical Pilates instructor, which he finds helpful in assisting his patients with performance and injury prevention.

Outside of physiotherapy, George is an avid traveller. He enjoys music, eating out, and most sports.

Affiliated Clinics
Lakeside Sports Medicine Centre

Practice Locations


Lakeside Sports Medicine Centre
Suite 7 Ground Floor
Aughtie Drive
Albert Park VIC 3206 
03 9682 6029
03 9532 9044