Dr Mark Levin (Haematologist)

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Dr Mark David Levin
Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery 1974
0478 486 352

Dr Mark Levin graduated from the University of Western Australia in 1973 and trained as a physician at the Royal Perth Hospital. He trained in haematology at St Vincent's Melbourne until 1983 and spent the next year working overseas studying cytogenetics in leukaemia and leukaemia morphology.

On his return to Australia, Mark worked as a clinical and laboratory haematologist, mainly in private practice, but also at Royal Perth Hospital. He became Director of Haematology of the largest private pathology practice in Western Australia.

In 1997, Mark was appointed Head of Haematology at Dorevitch Pathology. His role encompassed responsibility for the management of haematology throughout Victoria and diagnostic work including routine haematology and bone marrow reporting, coagulation plus the Warfarin dosing program, transfusion medicine and the autologous blood collection program and flow cytometry. Mark is currently head of haematology at Dorevitch Pathology.

Affiliated Organisations
Melbourne Haematology