Dr Emma-Jane Greenhill (GP)

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Dr Emma-Jane Greenhill
Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery Monash University 2003
General Practitioner (GP)
Medical Specialties
General Practice

Dr Emma-Jane Greenhill graduated from Monash University medical school with honours in 2003. She completed her internship in Melbourne before moving to the UK in 2005. She lived and worked in London for 5 years, completing her General Practice training there and obtaining a Diploma in Child Health from the Royal College of Paediatrics.

She moved back to Melbourne in 2010, obtained her Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and has been working at St Helena Mediplex ever since. She is married with 3 children. She enjoys all areas of general practice and has a particular interest in paediatrics and women’s health.

Affiliated Clinics
St Helena Mediplex

Practice Locations


St Helena Mediplex
212 Aqueduct Road
Diamond Creek VIC 3089 
03 9438 5666
03 9438 4711