Dr Christina Furtado (Clinical Psychologist)

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Dr Christina Furtado is a Clinical Neuropsychologist with special interests in brain injury, memory, dementia, stroke and neurological rehabilitation. Dr Furtado has completed a Doctorate in Clinical Neuropsychology with Monash University and the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre. Her thesis focussed on cognition and brain structure in treatment resistant depression before and after a new type of antidepressant therapy called repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship with the Monash Epworth Rehabilitation Research Centre working as the project manager for the NHMRC funded project looking at motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety and depression following traumatic brain injury. She maintains a keen interest in research and has several published articles in international journals. Dr Furtado is a full member of the Australian Psychological Society and College of Clinical Neuropsychologists. She has endorsement in Clinical Neuropsychology with the Psychology Board of Australia.

Affiliated Clinics
Precision Brain Spine and Pain Centre
Precision Brain, Spine and Pain Centre - Kew

Practice Locations


Precision Brain Spine and Pain Centre
Lower Ground
115 Cotham Road
Kew VIC 3101 
03 8862 0000
03 9816 8564