Dr Amenpal (Amen) Soin (GP)

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Dr Amen Soin grew up in the South West of England, in Cheltenham. She graduated from the University of Liverpool, UK, in 1997, qualifying as a GP in 2002 with a clinical role in Palliative Care medicine as part of her extended General Practice training. She worked around the region for nine years, including in a busy city university practice before moving to Sydney in 2011, where she started working at Dee Why General Practice.

She is able to offer GP shared antenatal care, perform procedures for long acting contraceptive devices (Implanon, Mirena and Copper IUD), cosmetic Botox, as well as general care in all aspects of both preventive and general health care for adults, adolescents and children.

Affiliated Organisations
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)