Teeth Whitening

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Teeth whitening is the process of removing the built up stains and other discolorations that naturally occur on our teeth. The success of teeth whitening is measured in increments of ‘shades’.

There are two primary ways of achieving whiter teeth: physically or chemically. These methods can either be performed by a professional, or as a DIY treatment you can perform at home.

The physical method involves an abrasive element designed to scrub simply and scrape away the built up stains. The chemical method utilises a bleaching agent, often in conjunction with a super-bright LED light designed to break down, destroy and remove stains.

Shade for shade, the chemical method is much more effective at whitening teeth than the abrasive method. As we will soon see, abrasive methods can be useful and are best incorporated into your daily teeth cleaning routine. At the end of the day when it comes to achieving the whitest teeth possible, chemical methods regularly outperform their abrasive counterparts.

Teeth Whitening Options

  • Whitening Toothpastes
  • Whitening Strips
  • At-Home Whitening Kits
  • Professional Dentist (in-the-chair) Teeth Whitening including ZOOM whitening
Recently updated doctors performing Teeth Whitening

Browse doctors performing Teeth Whitening

Browse clinics performing Teeth Whitening