Damian Panozza (Psychologist)

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Damian Panozza

I am a registered Organisational Psychology Specialist. Bachelor of Social Science (Psych), Grad Diploma (Psych) and Master Organisational Psychology. I am an accredited Acceptance and Commitment Therapist, Cognitive Behaviour Therapist and Mindfulness Practitioner. I studied later in life. In fact when I was younger I failed year 12 English! So I have loads of life experience prior to eventually successfully studying at University as a mature age student and becoming a Psychologist. I've worked with countless numbers of people in leadership development, professional development and how to be successful in life, change who they are or how they are living, how to be happy in life, and how to do it all in a sustainable positive way. If you want to get better, build on who you are, get happier, or rid yourself of unwelcome mental health or ill health then I can help.

Affiliated Clinics
Someone Health

Practice Locations


Someone Health
161 Castlereagh St
Sydney NSW 2000 
1800 491 556
1283 675 101